Equipment dedicated to the panel formation

Machines to manifacture insulated panels: set of machines that prepare metal sheet to the foaming process.


Equipment for the creation
» Preheating tunnel: heating top and bottom metal sheets through infrared lamps.
» Double belt: continuos double press that allows foam to expand. It controls also temperature and pressure settings.
» Primer and primer crossbar: dosage and distribution units of adhesive mixture to increase the foam expansion quality.
» Parament decoiler: machine that applies a continuos layer of material over the polyurethane in the expansion phase.

Preheating tunnel

Preheat the metal sheet to increase the adhesion property.

Flexible parament decoiler

Applies a continuos layer of material over the polyurethane in the expansion phase.

Double belt

Machines that enables correct expansion of the polyurethane foam and the insulated panel creation.

Double belt

Double belt with side chain.

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